
Buena Vista Social Club - Chan Chan live

De Alto Cedro voy para Marcan
Llego a Cueto, voy para Mayar

El cario que te tengo
No te lo puedo negar
Se me sale la babita
Yo no lo puedo evitar

Cuando Juanica y Chan Chan
En el mar cernan arena
Como sacuda el jibe
A Chan Chan le daba pena

Limpia el camino de paja
Que yo me quiero sentar
En aqul tronco que veo
Y as no puedo llegar

De alto Cedro voy para Marcan
Lleg a Cueto voy para Mayar


From Alto Cedro, I go to Marcan
I arrive in CUeto, and then I go towards Mayar.

The love I have for you
is something I cannot deny
I drool all over
I cannot help it.

When Juanica and Chan Chan
sifted sand at the beach
Chan Chan felt sorry/shame

Clean the path of straw
cause I want to sit down
on that tree trunk I see
and that way I'm never going to arrive

From Alto Cedro, I go to Marcan
I arrive in CUeto, and then I go towards Mayar


                                                                 Suncani sat je srusen prilikom jednog zalaska sunca.

                                                                          Na mesto njega postavljen je pescani.

                                                                      Prigodna svecanost odrzana je sledeceg jutra,
                                                                                           koje nije doslo....
                                                                                         ni sunce nije doslo.

                                                                         Vrpcu je presekla zadrigla bogatasica.
                                                             Ona je konacno bila u crnini,zahvaljujuci odsustvu svetlosti
                                                                       ....vec do kolena u pesku ''Miticeve rupe''

                                                                              Sundial was destroyed during a sunset.
                                                                                        In its place is a sandy set.
                                                                 The opening ceremony was held the next morning,
                                                                                        that did not come ....
                                                                                     the sun did not come.
                                                                         The ribbon was cut thick rich women.
                                                           She finally was in mourning, due to the absence of light
                                                             .... already knee-deep in the sand''holes Mitic''

                                                                                                    ------     Tatjana 23.04.1993.